Return Policy
If the product you have received is either physically damaged on arrival or if it isn’t the one you ordered, we will exchange it for you. These need to be returned to us within 10days of ordering or 3 days of you receiving them, whichever is earlier.
Please make sure that the goods are returned to us in the same condition that you received it in. Please retain all the original packing, tags, labels, etc. If the goods had some embelishments, please make sure that they are intact and not broken.
The goods will have to be couriered by you at your cost to the below mentioned address. At this point in time, we will not be able to make a refund, however for any goods that are returned because of physical damage or wrong shipment from our end, we will send you a fresh / correct piece as per your order, and this time we will bear the shipping costs.
Address to send the goods back to us.
152 Kewal Industrial Estate
S.B.Marg, Lower Parel
Mumbai 400013, INDIA
Tel.: / 24980774